Sunday, 29 December 2013


A 12 year old Floridian girl took her life as a result of being bullied by a group of girls. This all happened over the internet, raising the awareness of cyber bullying, whilst showing that it is a serious form of bullying. The 12 year old committed suicide by jumping to her death as she found it hard to bear the bullying online and also in school. The bullies also gave harsh comments to the victim telling her that she should ‘drink bleach and die’. Two girls have been arrested, and remain in custody. The bullying took place at a crucial time within Rebecca’s life, as she was in the middle of puberty so her insecurities were high so the bullies had attacked at the worst time. This therefore created more doubts within Rebecca’s mind forcing her to act upon it which led to her devastating death. This case study correlates with our won horror film, as it portrays a young girl who became ‘terrorised’ by a group of girls. Which is essentially what happens within our narrative, the female who gets bullied within our narrative also takes her life. As a horror film this will be effective, as the audience will feel heartbreak for the character once this happens.  It also plays on real life events that happen, playing on the audience’s fears and also displaying situations that occur on a daily basis within the world (bullying). The bullying that features in our horror is also because of a boy, directly the same as the case study. There is fear for both the younger and older audience, as the younger audience will gain a sense of realism as they could be in a similar situation, but the older section of the audience, and may have children so for something so devastating to happen within their lives would be horrific, carrying out the aim of every horror to convey acts that scare and remain within the audience’s minds. The young girls family are grieving as they feel that they did what they could, as when the bullying occurred they took their child out of school in order to make it stop however it continued. Perhaps parents are not always able to keep their children safe. It is clear that cyber bullying is a worsening aspect of bullying and will need to be monitored by parents. The bullying in our horror film takes place in school, so the parents have no chance to stop it, the victim is also much older with the age of 17, so the problem would not be once for them to go and confront their parents about. 

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