Wednesday, 4 December 2013


Our tagline is ‘The obsessive love that never dies’.
This immediately correlates with the narrative of our movie, as Genner has an obsession with Jamal which leads her to commit suicide, however she doesn’t die as such because she possessed Jamal, who is in fact her obsession. The image on our film poster is of Jamal with Genner over his shoulder just staring at him making it obvious that she has a specific obsession with him.
We had been inspired by a number of supernatural horror films, as their taglines collaborate perfectly with the film narrative keeping the production sophisticated.
The devil inside’s tagline is ‘no soul is safe’, which the audience link directly with the image and film. The image is of a nun which is someone who the audience would connote as pure, and innocent so for her to get possessed would indicate there is no hope for anyone else as she is the purest in society.
The insidious tagline is ‘It’s not the house that’s haunted’ once again correlating directly to the film, as the young boy Dalton is haunted due to his family background. Whereas the mother firstly believed there was something wrong with the child. Again this is visually accepted as the young boy takes the centre third, and shows some force has taken him over, enabling the audience to have full awareness of what is going on in addition to giving them a slight insight into what the narrative could be about.
The Possession tagline is ‘Darkness lives within’ this once again joins with the narrative because the young girl is possessed with a spirit trying to get out of her human body. This is shown within the image on the poster, signifying to the audience the basis of the movie.
We had a few other ideas, but they all based around our actual tagline. These included : 'the compulsive love that lives forever' and the 'the possessive love that doesn't end'. Both taglines do not feel as sophisticated as our chosen one. The term compulsive does not unite with our narrative as well as 'obsessive' due to it not directly correlating to the narrative. Also living forever seems rather positive compared to 'that never dies' which feels like a disturbance that keeps appearing. Through small yet crucial problems with the tagline is what made us change our minds and create our final tagline: 'The obsessive love that never dies.'

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