Wednesday, 11 December 2013


One of our locations is the common room, this will bring the idea of realism to our audience, as the cast are sixth formers so they would have a common room to go to proving our trailer to be a realistic representation. This is the general effect of the common room to resemble a reliable representation whilst capturing the students at their lows and their peaks. For example there will be scenes of Genner alone and staring over the elite group, as well as the group sitting around and just talking about general topics such as parties and clothes. Through this location the reality if sixth formers will be acknowledged.

All of the above a shots of the girls toilets. It is a well known fact that girls go to the toilet in pairs or in groups, this idea is played on within our trailer. A lot of bullying does occur within the toilets, which is ironic as there are many assumptions about teenagers when being bullied at school and one of them is to hide in the toilet, so we decided to take this to a further extent and actually place some bullying within the toilet. The effect of this is that the connotation of a toilet is a clean, place where no one will come and check up on you; the perfect spot for a bully. Forming the idea that Genner is not safe from the bullies.

The bridge is a vital location, as this is where Genner is supposed to meet Jamal for their 'date', but however ends up being the place she commits suicide. There are obvious connotations of a bridge which apply intensely. The effect of this particular location is that is slightly involves dramatic irony the audience are aware that she will not meet Jamal and something terrible will happen, it's just the time between Genner's realization and her drastic death.

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