Tuesday, 24 December 2013


We presented our pitch to our peers who are also our target audience, enabling us to receive crucial feedback on our narrative from an early point in our developing the narrative process. The main feedback of our pitch was to make sure that the elite group and Genner were clearly separated in order to display the bullying perfectly. This is constructive criticism that can not be overshadowed, we as a group much make sure that the bullying is displayed tastefully, whilst making a continuous occurrence throughout the trailer. The constructive criticism that was given to us was :
- Make the narrative clear throughout
- Keep the trailer sophisticated
- Keep to conventions, or challenge them do not ignore them.

These have therefore become our aims whilst developing the our narrative, if we do not keep it clear then our target audience be completely unsure as to what is going on as well as the concept . If the narrative did not make sense our trailer would be unsuccessful immediately and therefore any of our other names would be insufficient.

Our inspiration to the sophistication of our trailer is due to James Wan, an extremely successful director of several horror films. Through analysing him, and his work we as a group were able to understand techniques that will all contribute to the final product of our trailer.

Conventions are a major part of any film but in particular horrors. If these conventions are not apparent within our trailer than our target audience would mistake our genre therefore making our trailer instantly unsuccessful.

Furthermore from our feedback we were also told from our peers that what we had worked on so far is extremely detailed and well thought out, not only had we thought through our narrative step by step but had also thought of ways to back up our suggestions. For example using pathetic fallacy in order to prove that  disruption will occur. This allowed our creativity to flow further, whilst empowering us to develop our narrative further with the confidence that our ideas had the right impact on our target audience.

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