Saturday, 14 December 2013


There are many different lighting techniques used within horror trailers.

Underlighting is a main technique used to create dramatic effects. The use of underlighting creates one half of a face to be dark and once light, this can create the effect of good and evil within a character. We want to use this technique in order to portray Jamal our protagonist when possessed, to display to the audience that although he is possessed he still has some purity within him subtly giving more insight into the character himself.

This type of lighting is used repetitively in order to portray a creepy, mysterious and dark. The main connotation of this group of three is danger, a element which makes everyone feel vulnerable, making it the perfect time to scare our audience. This effect can also create shadows, which resembles the idea that not everything you see is real, due to a shadow only being the outline of your body, it does not reveal your emotions, expressions or attitude. Further reinforcing the fear of the unknown.


This type of lighting is used in many sequences, and will be used when in our common room scenes, as it will need to be light enough in order for the camera to see the characters. A torch is also used in order to insert intense light in particular scenes. For example our stab includes Jamal over the shoulder of his girlfriend whilst being possessed, therefore we need a sudden impulse of light directed on his face when in the unlit corridor. This will intensify the jumpy moment.

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