Sunday 19 January 2014


Our target audience allowed us to get a better understanding of our audience, which we then adapted our narrative to.

Our answers from the questionnaire is below:    Key: 'Funny :2' = two people described themselves as funny.


Describe your personality in 3 words.
Fun: 6
Enthusiastic: 2
Caring: 5
Lovable: 2
Charming: 1
Amazing: 2
Sociable: 2 
Fierce: 1
Friendly: 1
Weird: 1
Patient: 1
Sweet: 1
Creative: 1
Hardworking: 1
Wonderful: 1
Nice: 1
Elegant: 1
Respectful: 1
Calm: 1

List three of your favorite hobbies.
Sport: 13
Reading: 2
Going Out: 2
Shopping: 1
Eating: 3
Acting: 1
Raving: 2
Walking: 1
Music: 10
PS3/Gaming: 2
Instruments: 1
Shisha: 2
Watching Films: 4
Drawing: 1
Travelling: 1
Photography: 1
Cars: 1
T.V: 1
Dancing: 3

Do you have a busy social life:
Yes: 18
No: 6

How often do you go to the cinema:
Once a month: 8
Twice a month:3
Three times a month:2
Once a week: 2
Not often: 5
Once in 2-3 months: 2
Once every 5 months: 1
Every 6 months: 1

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