Friday 3 January 2014



The Possession is another modern supernatural horror that also includes elements of possession. This has become increasingly popular with the modern day audience, as these horrific plots appeal to the audience’s fears. The genre of supernatural is implied to the audience when the Em is staring deeply into the box at the yard sale.

This immediately signals to the audience that there is something peculiar within the box. The cuts used within this scene also generate this train of thought for the audience as they all fade into each shot, further reinforcing the idea that there is something mysterious/unusual within the box. This is typical for a supernatural horror as the main narrative for this genre is based around a specific prop that has some connection with the possession itself.

 The producer of The Possession is mentioned at the end of the trailer, in order for them to make a judgement on the trailer itself and then if the need for further persuasion is necessary then the original and artistic views of him (Sam Raimi) will be used to lure the audience in. This also allows the movie to appeal to its correct target audience, as it’s not just targeted at the audience who enjoyed his previous movies (Spider man). The narrative structure of the trailer towards the beginning of the trailer all happens in chronological order, but once the audience get 40 seconds in then the narrative begins to change and it does not go in order. This is conventional to the supernatural genre, as there would be no point in giving too much away. The audience understand that this is not in order by the narrative that is being said over the moving images. Also once the tempo starts to get up beat there is awareness that something supernatural will occur, this is highlighted every so often within the trailer:

 for example when Em the protagonist is swarmed by moths in her bedroom, or when she is overtaken by the possessive spirit inside of her and then stabs her father’s hand with a fork. A lot of the plot is used within the trailer, in order to the lure in the audience. However vital scene such as when Em is being exorcised is not included. This is in order to keep the audience guessing and not giving them the plot of the new equilibrium.

The first shot is of the stock location, a suburban household another convention of horror movies. The colours chosen are mainly of a dark and dreary nature such as dark blues, greys and browns this is to portray that what is happening to Em is dark and twisted. There are many bright colours placed in the trailer however, when Em is being taken into hospital to scan her in order to find out what exactly is inside of her the lighting here is incident lighting which signifies the realism and shock of what is happening.







The colours within this scene are white, and light blues these connote purity, innocence and calm all attributes that Em had before she had become possessed leaving the audience to hope the best for her. The body language within the trailer from Em is what describes to the audience that this movie falls into the possession category of supernatural. Within the last third of the trailer, there is a medium shot of Em who has lost all self control, and is clearly being overtaken by the evil force within her.

This is so evident that the force is being pushed out of her skin which is resembled through the imprints in her skin. This is where the audience acknowledge that this narrative includes possession. Em’s hair and makeup within this scene is minimal, which only reinforces the fact that she is only a child, pulling on the audience’s emotions to make them feel sorry for her. The edits that are displayed to the audience enable them to understand what is going on throughout the trailer. The cut edit signifies that this is the end of the scene; meaning that whatever shot comes next will have some correlation to what just happened but be its own scene.

For example towards the end of the trailer there is a long shot of Em on an empty road with the box on the floor near her she looks possessed at this point which the audience can tell through her facial expression which is blank and staring down to the ground, her body language is overtaken by some sort of force.

This shot ends with a cut that is then closely followed by a shot of Em’s father and a Rabbi who are discussing her situation. The speed of the editing is extremely conventional as it starts up slow and then fastens towards the ending montage, signalling to the audience that something drastic is going to occur. Although there is no direct link between the shots the audience are aware of who they are talking about even though this is a completely different scene. A deep focus is used with the extreme long shot which only includes Em and the possessed box, in order to attract the audience’s attention directly towards the box itself. A soft piano is played in the background at the beginning of the trailer, which sets the tone for the audience. Once Em sets her eyes on the box at the yard sale the noises then change and begin to get harsher and deeper to signify that there is something unusual. There is also no dialogue at this moment only the word ‘cool’ once again just relaying how young and impressionable Em is, allowing the audience to understand just how important this scene it, whilst realising that there is something not quite right with the box, all the more whilst adding a hint of fear. Synchronous sound is used when Em finally opens the box, this is to highlight the momentous moment of the opening of the box, adding to the anticipation the audience have continuously felt. The Dialogue also over shadows the images on screen, allowing the dialogue to correlate with the images. Making sure the audience know exactly what’s going on.  



The straps used are at the end of the trailer and form the sentence ‘This August...Darkness...Lives...Within’, adding to the fear of the unknown and slowly reeling in the audience’s attention towards the final sting. The representation of Em a young girl is vulnerable, innocent and juvenile. All which make the audience feel sorry for her as it isn't her fault that this evil force has chosen to overtake her. This could represent a number of the audience, further intensifying the fear within the trailer. Em’s father is represented as a concerned parent, who is in the middle of a divorce once again this could be reflective of a large number of the audience reinforcing the fear factor as they do now know what could happen. Through the trailer the representation of society is that they may not be as observant, but are practical although the efficiency of when they react may be prolonged due to specific events.  Overall the trailer is effective in luring in the audience through their camera angles, lighting (incident), and sound techniques (synchronising sound). Some of which I will attempt to use within my film trailer in order to create the same form of persuasion carried out through the possession trailer. 

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