Sunday 26 January 2014

Hello, my name is Karisma Khuttan. I am an A2 Media Studies student at the Douay Martyrs School. My portfolio is on horror films. Presented on this blog you will see my promotional package (including magazine front cover, poster and film trailer) for the horror film i will create, in addition to this there will be research and planning.

Saturday 25 January 2014

Original Brief

We have been set a task /challenge of creating a promotional campaign to publicize a new film. The promotional package must include three pieces of media, these being a promotional trailer, a film poster and magazine front cover. To maintain professionalism and effectiveness all three pieces must share a symbiotic link, sharing a common feel and look. ( much like the Insidious promotional package through the use of colour and font).

The promotional package will advertise a film within the horror genre. We have chosen this genre for a number of key reasons. Firstly, it is a leading genre within the film industry and we find it interesting as there are many different elements to this popular genre. Secondly there is a major effect that horror films have on their audiences, one huge effect is sticking in the target audience’s minds and we would like to achieve this through this experience. We will appeal to our audience by producing three pieces that follow and stick by the conventions of the horror genre including their respective form however we will add our own touch of originality. A thorough analysis of existing media texts will allow us to become familiar with all of the conventions that repeatedly appear, this will potentially enable us to make our pieces grow and change with the on going knowledge we shall gain with this genre. We are looking forward to working together on this project to produce an unforgettable, professional and effective promotional package. The following individuals will be working in our group: Shani, Priscilla, and I Karisma.

Wednesday 22 January 2014


Which film sub genre do we belong to?

We belong to the supernatural sub genre which takes the theme of possession. This particular theme seems to be a favourite with our target audience. The editing and actual technical elements such as music and camera shots can be carried out in a way that will present our final piece as a sophisticated moving image. Although possession is a popular theme within horrors, many of the films fail to appeal to their audience as terrifying such as ‘The Possession’ (TP). Although ‘TP’ is a supernatural horror with jumpy and gruesome elements, it does not succeed as a film that sticks into the audience’s mind, due to the storyline being unrealistic in addition to the production not standing out as flawless. For example the trailer itself, gives the audience every detail about the narrative without them going to see the movie. The disruption is portrayed clearly, with the equilibrium not displayed but however not hard to work out, leaving nothing to the imagination and destroying all the expectations the audience had. Our aim is to reach these expectations, to produce a trailer that takes the form of a supernatural/ possession whilst accomplishing the smooth production expected from our target audience. 

Monday 20 January 2014


Target Audience research which we shall carry out  will be a questionnaire. This will be with the variation of open and closed questions, allowing us to get a real insight into what the audience will find scary and what they do not. The results of the questionnaire will determine specific features we will include within our own horror. Another target audience research we shall carry out is a focus group, this will include both male and females and provide us with sufficient information in order to get to know the audience more. In addition to this it will show us the real reactions of the audience, allowing us to further our insight into the fears of the audience.