Friday, 3 January 2014


Our poster is going to be a medium shot of our antagonist. This will be a fair as it will allow our audience to see half of the antagonist, which gives the illusion that he is not presented accurately, an idea that can work with our narrative due to his possession later on in the film. Under lighting will also be present in order for us to portray the antagonist as partly hidden, as the audience will not know that there are two sides to him until they watch the trailer. The mise en scene will be plain simple in order to display his lifestyle, however the background will represent a storm that he is facing within; this will become more apparent once the final poster is completed.

Our magazine front cover will provide visual evidence that our antagonist is possessed. Another medium shot will be used, in order to comply with the idea that part of him is hidden. The colours used will be the dismal convention of black white and red, which all form together to connote the purity, darkness with the underlining passion that is promised to the audience throughout our promotional package. Once again the mise en scene will be simple, in order to keep the idea of a simple lifestyle. The typography that will be presented will compliment the main image, this will further persuade our audience into going to watch our film, due to the sophisticated magazine front cover.

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