Tuesday, 14 January 2014


Our target audience are both male and females aged between 16 and 35. Both sexes are well educated and have pursued higher education to study subjects such as Business studies and psychology. When going to pursue their education even further by going to university they had studied creative based subjects which would allow them to use their imagination like English or Media. The females within this category work in a profession that will allow her to use her imagination such as marketing, and the males wish to pursue their own dreams of owning their own business or being a creative director. Either way both members of our audience are working on a scale that will generate high income, with a bonus of job satisfaction. Job satisfaction is important to both sexes as they need to be motivated and can not only be in a job for the money as this would contradict what they believe in. Through subjects such as marketing and being a creative director both sexes feel that they are part of something that can in fact change the world in a positive way whether through making a product more popular or making their own business ideas and creations well known.

Our female audience is known for being popular, charming, and intelligent. She is extremely likeable and always has something relevant and witty to say. Unsociable is something she most defiantly is not, she is able to fit her education and time for going out around her busy lifestyle but makes it work, and is praised for it. She is extremely down to earth and doesn’t feel she is above anyone or anything, although physically getting her hands dirty is not something she wishes to do on a daily basis. Although she is not in a serious relationship, she has got a lot of advice and primary experience to offer to tips or suggestions to anyone who would like some, which is helped by the fact she loves a good gossip with her girlfriends, but doesn’t let this take time away from her family. Although she is a very popular being she loves to take weekends out to be with her family and make sure everyone is happy, lifting people’s moods is something she prides herself on.  Our male audience are charming, clever, and flirty making him irresistible to almost anyone. He is very attractive and always has a joke on hand to win around the females. He is not always out and about but when he is everyone notices him due to him being into the latest fashion trends and always getting to them before anyone else, creates the image of a prestigious male who is what every girl wants. In spite of this image he is down to earth and does not put himself on a high pedestal, he is willing to converse with anyone who shows an interest in him. He has a large group of friends who are both male and female, and is always on call if anyone needs him but keeps his personal life personal and doesn’t feel the need to share his love life with anyone. He is very family orientated and if there is something planned for him to do with his family and a party has just popped up under no circumstances would he cancel his family plans to go ahead to his friend’s party, his priorities are straight and he is not worried if people dislike him for this, which just adds to the image he has created for himself.

Relationships are important to both him and her, as they are not willing to settle for just anyone who shows them interest. She has a clear image of a man she would like to marry and is not willing to put this aside, whereas he is more easygoing and would like to get married but believes when he meets the right woman he will just know and has not planned her out. She shares a two bedroom flat with her friend, who is messy and she wants to move out to get her own place because she is sick and tired of cleaning up after her unorganised flat mate. The main reason why she wants to move out and buy a flat is so that she can be independent. He on the other hand already has his own flat which he does not rent, showing signs of maturity and independence. Although his family come by often if it’s not his parents then it will be his cousins or siblings who want to spend time and just relax.

When he is not at work, he enjoys staying at home and inviting friends round more than anything, but occasionally does go to clubs but this is not a weekly occurrence. He also enjoys time spent in the gym, as he feels his image is very important to him and he does a lot to maintain it. Shopping is also a major hobby for both genders as they find it a valuable way to express themselves through vintage one offs that they will not see on other people when walking down the street.  He also finds relaxation through looking through magazines such as Total Film and Men’s health, whereas she finds relaxation through a deep read, with books such as The Colour Purple and A Streetcar Named Desire on her favourites.

She likes to eat out at sophisticated bars and restaurants, the low-key type that not everyone she knows would go to on just a regular night out. This preference is due to her desire for an educated man, and thrives on a good conversation which she feels she can only properly engage in, in a quiet bar or restaurant where she can really get to know the opposing sex. Although my male audience enjoys eating out, and meeting new people he would much rather host an intimate or casual dinner around his house where they can get take out and relax, this stems from his down to earth attitude and laid back personality.

Both members of Our audience enjoy taking the time out to watch a good film and see it as a luxury. A range of different film themes appeal to them, although the females are more willing to watch a romantic comedy like 'The Notebook', where as the males would prefer to watch an action based film such as 'Pain and Gain'. However both of my target audience enjoy horror films such as 'The Possession', and 'The Exorcist' as it feeds on their fears and gives them a unique adrenaline rush unlike no other genre. The thrill that she seeks from these particular films enable her to address her horrific preferences. These horrors are known as her favourites because of that reason as well as her enjoying the unique pleasure of momentarily being frightened out of her skin for half a minute. Although they prefer not to watch these films alone as then they have company who can share their fear and understand what emotions each other are going through whilst watching. The preferred setting for watching a horror either at home or in the cinema which they both are willing to see at least once a month.  

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