Wednesday, 22 January 2014


Which film sub genre do we belong to?

We belong to the supernatural sub genre which takes the theme of possession. This particular theme seems to be a favourite with our target audience. The editing and actual technical elements such as music and camera shots can be carried out in a way that will present our final piece as a sophisticated moving image. Although possession is a popular theme within horrors, many of the films fail to appeal to their audience as terrifying such as ‘The Possession’ (TP). Although ‘TP’ is a supernatural horror with jumpy and gruesome elements, it does not succeed as a film that sticks into the audience’s mind, due to the storyline being unrealistic in addition to the production not standing out as flawless. For example the trailer itself, gives the audience every detail about the narrative without them going to see the movie. The disruption is portrayed clearly, with the equilibrium not displayed but however not hard to work out, leaving nothing to the imagination and destroying all the expectations the audience had. Our aim is to reach these expectations, to produce a trailer that takes the form of a supernatural/ possession whilst accomplishing the smooth production expected from our target audience. 

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