What have you learned from your audience feedback?
Our target audience
are both male and female from the age of 16-35. Both are educated and enjoy the
idea of further education, they have an extreme desire for horror films and
find the adrenaline rush fulfilling. Not only does our promotional package
appeal and apply to the needs of our target audience but fulfils them.

By carrying out this research we were able to find out what parts in the trailer proved to be frightening, and whether or not they would go to watch this film from the trailer. We also questioned the effectiveness of our magazine front cover in addition to the film poster in order to understand the most persuasive parts of these pieces. By uploading these pieces on social networking sites it allowed our target audience to voice their opinions freely without feeling they needed to create a bias answer. We found out that our magazine front cover and film poster are extremely successful in promoting a supernatural horror, due to the iconography. Our target audience also acknowledged the same character being used within both pieces which is our main symbiotic link. We were praised for our editing on the magazine front cover, as our protagonist fulfilled the gloominess, overpowered and distressed character which we wanted to portray. Another element which was praised by our target audience was the stab which concludes our trailer. A member of our audience labelled the ending as ‘shocking’, which reinforces the emotions which we wanted our target audience to feel. Furthermore by generating a video from our audience feedback, we were able to understand the scenes within our trailer which most appealed to the target audience. By a member of our audience describing the stab at the end as 'shocking', implies that there is a fright for the audience to look forward to as well as intriguing them to wonder why this has happened. This proves to us as a group, that we have been successful in creating our stab, as the correct feelings apply to our audience when viewing the stab. As well as this one of our target audience members announced that our trailer includes 'elements which make you wonder what happens next', this is the aim of our trailer, we wished to create a trailer where the audience were kept guessing with the underlying frights which would cause the target audience to feel as if they need to go and watch the movie in order to keep piece of mind. By conducting this research we as a group we now have the understanding that our target audience believe our trailer is effective, due to them generating the emotions which were intended by us in the production stages.
In addition to this a member of our audience voiced that our poster has an effective strap line:
‘ based on a true story’ as it intrigues the audience. We also received constructive criticism from our target audience, which included our typography choices, with this information in mind we as a group can take a lead decision as to whether or a change in typography would suit our promotional package best. It can also benefit the promotional package by strengthening the symbiotic link. Through these constructive criticism, we are able to adjust our creativity to appeal to our target audience much more directly.
By generating audience feedback it has allowed us as a group to gain first hand information from our direct target audience. This is extremely valuable as we are able to understand whether or not our promotional package appeals to our audience, and therefore if we have fulfilled our aims. Such as Daniel Rudge suggesting we should 'blend' the colours more on our poster. By this being addressed we now as a group understand that by altering the poster to make the colours blend better within the harsh tone it will result in a much more sophisticated poster. We had learnt from one member of our target audience that our trailer itself does not ‘make sense’ , which we then analysed ourselves and found it to be true. We now understand that if we change our straps within the trailer there can be a sense of journey throughout, allowing our target audience to fully understand what has occurred within the trailer along with the element of surprise still applying. By having this feedback from a member of our target audience it has immediately helped us as a group to alter and create an effective final piece, due to the narrative being understood. Without this feedback our trailer would have not succeeded. In addition to this we were also given ideas on how to adapt our pieces in order to make them much more professional, by smoothening the edges of our poster, this would result in our final poster forming a much more sophisticated look. After taking into consideration these points the perception of our own pieces have altered, as we are now able to see the slight flaws in the promotional package. Nevertheless we are also praised for our work, after one member of our audience addresses our work as 'amazing' indicating that the promotional package does in fact appeal to the audience. This has worked to our advantage as we now can adapt our package to our liking and our audience's liking which will allow it to become more effective.
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