Monday, 25 November 2013



SHOT: Over the shoulder
COSTUME: White t shirt on the protagonist, and black top and trousers on the antagonist.
MISE EN SCENE: The setting would be near the bridge, so several tree's would be in the shot.
HAIR/ MAKE UP: Make up on the Protagonist would be a contoured look in order to highlight and define particular elements on his face. The antagonist's hair would be down curly, with thick eyeliner on in order to confirm the evil thoughts of the audience would have assumed about the character.
TITLE: The title would be placed on the top of the poster in a poster bold fond, for the audience to acknowledge straight away with the strap further down the page.


SHOT: A medium shot of antagonist
COSTUME: White t shirt in order to symbolize the purity the character has.
MISE EN SCENE: The background would be dark which is to connote the protagonist who will be within the eyes of the antagonist to show he has no escape. 
HAIR/ MAKE UP: Once again a contoured face, with dark eyes due to eyeliner to capture his possession perfectly.
TITLE: Poster bold film name is placed at the bottom of this poster for the audience to become intrigued with the image first. The strap is then placed underneath for the final piece of persuasion.  

SHOT: A medium shot
COSTUME: Black t shirt
MISE EN SCENE: A white background to prove that there is still some purity within the possessed protagonist.
HAIR/ MAKE UP: Once again, a contoured face, with the possessed eyes from eye liner. 
TITLE: The title is once again placed at the bottom of the page, as sell lines are placed around the edges. 

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